Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wear this, not that.

Awhile ago we dubbed Troy Gentry the worst dressed guy in "country" music. Today we're following that up with a photo I found when digging for that post. If you recall, his buddy Eddie Montgomery is a sharp dressed man, so today's wear this, not that, is the two of them together.
We have Eddie rocking what's gotta be a Manuel coat. And Troy wearing... god only knows. It's freakin' hideous though! The 70's lapeled shirt under a crushed velvet jacket could work under some circumstances (like at a costume party), but when paired with the string necklace that looks so tight that a properly placed flick to this guys forehead could send his head flying off, along with whatever huge pendant is hanging from it- it sends the whole thing straight to superdoucheville. And that haircut is just atrocious. Please folks, take your pop country fashion cues from the man on the left. 

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