Monday, September 12, 2011

Mondays make me cross.

And today we have more garbage from Sheplers. Every single shirt on the linked page there belongs on this blog. They're all terrible in that same ol' Affliction kind of way.

This one is made by Rock & Roll Cowboy, and I guess if by "Rock & Roll" you mean "Nickleback" and by "Cowboy" you mean douchebag, then it's an aptly named brand. Of course it's a 'best seller' over there.

Now, I gather that Rock & Roll cowboy is Panhandle Slim. Which is alright- I wouldn't want these things so closely associated with my company's historic name if I was in charge of Panhandle Slim either. Going forward, we'll call these by their labels as stated by retailers- if they call them Rock and Roll, we'll go with that, if they call them Panhandle Slim, we'll go with that. Same thing with other brands where this exists.

Here we have an interesting contribution made by Petrol- the description reads- 'Urban cowboy approved Petrol apparel stands out on country guys!'

Guess it would, too. I always stare when I see someone walking down the street with a huge cross poorly photoshopped onto their shirt, don't you?

I'm not 100% sure this one belongs on a cross day- is it a tribal cross? Is it a tribal dagger? Is it a tribal goat leaping out of a tribal hole? Hard to say. But it is, without a doubt, up pretty high on the list of terrible shirts Panhandle Slim has put out.

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