Friday, September 30, 2011


I mention this brand a lot on here, because they, at least for the moment I was paying attention, were the biggest brand churning out the style of clothing that was all tied up in MMA and other assorted douchebaggery. All scrolls, scripts, crosses, fluer de lis, and skulls. I saw a lot of it when I was working on Bourbon Street. When I left Bourbon, this style and my awareness of it, faded out of my brain quickly (thank you baby Jesus!). That was about 2 and half years ago, so I'll admit I'm in no way up to date on the current intricacies of this brand/trend.

And I've noticed something in my search for photos to compare with the western items I find- Affliction has grown up quite a bit. They're actually putting out some not-so-terrible stuff these days. So, when I use this brand in comparison with things "western wear" companies are putting out, please think of the brand as it was at the height of it's douchebaggery a few years ago, not as it is now. Trends run slow in the western wear world, I guess, since they're many years behind mainstream trend. I wish I could get release dates on the items I use in comparison, but that's hard to come by on a lot of them. Just assume that they're a couple years old unless otherwise stated.

Perhaps that means in another 5 years when Western Wear catches up to Affliction et al, they'll start putting things like this out- (from Affliction's fall collection). Who here wouldn't be more likely to buy one of these shirts over any of the "western wear" company items I've posted previously?

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